Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) is a fraternity founded on principles of brotherhood, scholarship, and leadership. While SigEp has always placed a strong emphasis on academic excellence, research has suggested that membership in the fraternity may have a significant positive impact on a college student’s GPA.
Current Drake SigEp Cooper Lounsbury touched on his experience in the chapter and how it’s improved his GPA. “Having [SigEp] to support me has been invaluable.”
“I’ve gotten study tips, help when I’ve been struggling, and even established small study groups,” Lounsbury said. “Without SigEp, I believe my GPA would not be where it is at now, and I’m grateful.”
According to a study published in the Journal of College Student Development, SigEp members have significantly higher GPAs than their non-member peers. The study, which examined the academic performance of 121 SigEp members and 121 non-members at a large public university, found that SigEp members had an average GPA that was 0.25 points higher than non-members.
So, what is it about SigEp that leads to higher GPAs? One factor may be the fraternity’s focus on academic achievement. SigEp has a number of programs and initiatives designed to support and encourage academic success among its members. For example, the fraternity’s Balanced Man Program emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between academic, social, and personal pursuits.
Another factor may be the sense of community and accountability that comes with being part of a fraternity. SigEp members are held to high standards of conduct and are expected to support and encourage one another in all aspects of their lives, including academic pursuits. This sense of community can help members stay focused and motivated in their studies, and may also provide access to study groups, tutoring, and other resources that can help improve academic performance.
The research is promising, and suggests that SigEp may have a positive impact on the academic success of its members. Of course, it’s important to remember that academic success is just one aspect of a college experience, and that SigEp offers many other benefits beyond GPA improvement, including leadership development, networking opportunities, and lifelong friendships.
Current Chapter President Mike Straub said the college workload overwhelmed him and he lacked the tools to get back on track. “My midterm grades were concerning, so SigEp’s VP SLC (SigEp Learning Community) and Faculty Fellow met with me to get me a study plan and keep a planner,” Straub said.
“It took me a while, but through continuous check-ins, and positive reinforcement, I was able to get on the Dean’s List both semesters sophomore year, and I hope to graduate with above a 3.5,” Straub said. “Without SigEp I don’t know where my GPA would be at, but now it is something I am proud of.”
While more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between SigEp membership and academic success, the evidence suggests that the fraternity has the potential to positively impact the GPAs of college students who join.
If you’re a student looking to improve your academic performance and are interested in joining a fraternity that places a strong emphasis on scholarship, leadership, and brotherhood, SigEp is totally worth considering!
Do you think SigEp could help YOU Raise Your Bar? Fill out an interest form and we’ll be in touch!